The Economic Case for Investing in Oral Health
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This post is based on Prof Stephen Lambert Humble presentation  on the economic case for investing in oral health,  part of  the workshop “Putting your Money where Mouth is - realizing the benefits of integrating oral health in your STPs”, Health and Care Innovation Expo2017, Manchester, Sept 2017.


What is happening now:

The NHS and Social Care Services in England are in the midst of the largest reforms in their history. It is an opportunity to re-evaluate priorities and assess how dental and oral health can be integrated into health care and wellbeing services across the country.

Dentistry is too often the missing piece in health care services, no one seems to be taking any responsibility for it, and most admit oral health is at the bottom of their to-do lists.


The question is not just about more money, but how and where the money is invested. With this in mind, Mouth Care Matters(MCM) was set up five years ago, later becoming a joint initiative by Health Education England and NHS Kent, Surrey and Sussex. It was rolled out to13 NHS Trusts, five of which successfully completed the roll out.

Figures on the return on investment and cost benefit analysis from the MCM programme are convincing, and should be publicised to CCGs, GPs, GDPs, 215 NHS Trusts in England, STPs, main stream and digital media and available 24/7. For the full report click here.


The aim of this post is to make the economic evidence accessible and reach out to audience beyond Expo 2017.  For more, listen to Professor Lambert Humble podcast of his presentation at Expo2017.



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