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This blog will be published in the March edition of Dental Practice Journal
Derek Pearson, editor of Dental Practice and its sister title The Dental Technician, explains why he has launched his blog on a new dental forum.
WE hear a great deal from the NHS and the Department of Health about how well the new NHS contract pilots are progressing, but word from the profession itself is patchy to say the least.
Anecdotally the reviews are mixed, we are told: the government’s record on investing in new IT has been poor across the board and these pilots are no exception. Software is deemed “clunky” and its operation time consuming. Examination times are too long meaning fewer patients can be seen in a day. Patients like the more “personal service” when they do get to see the inside of a surgery, but they don’t like the way the appointment book gets filled so fast that it causes longer waiting times before a dentist can be seen.
Capitation schemes have been proven for years and well known brands of this type of finance system have been taken up and enthusiastically supported by the private sector, but how will it operate under the NHS? “We fear we will be working harder and longer for less return” is the mantra from a significant number of NHS dentists who believe the new contract will be designed as a money-saving operation.
“Patient-centric or savings-centric?” “Better for the dental professional or better for the budget?”
I want to report the truth from the front lines. You have a voice why not use it? Visit www.2020dentistry.com or e-mail derek@aemorgan.co.uk. It’s time to have your say.
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